Lab 25: Searching for Dan

Searching for Dan

You search Soda for Dan and finally find him in the basements of Soda.


Oh hello student! Need some help with Gitlet?


No? Oh then how's it going.


Oh so you met Chantine and she's kinda weird and cryptic but a pretty cool person nonetheless.


Uh she asked me to meet her where "three colors collide"? I really have no idea what that means...


What do you mean I need to merge with Daniel...


We used to be one? ummmmmmm I'm pretty sure I'm me and I've always been me.

Are you okay friend? I mean Gitlet still isn't due for a bit.

You hear a eerie voice float into your ear \~Drat! it's been so long that he's forgotten who he truly is. You must do your best to convince him to meet me and hopefully I can restore his memories.\~


Well student, it seems like your a bit out of luck since even if I did want to go with you, I still have all these autograder tests to write.


Oh you're willing to help? Wait isn't that cheating...


Ehh well I am running short on time and maybe if we finish quickly I can check out what you're so worked up about.

Writing The Autograder

Alright so as you know, we just finished the CubePuzzle project. I still got a couple more autograder tests to write and the one I'm working on right now is the one that tests initPuzzle. You remember how that works right? If not I'm sure you can check back to how your code works.

I already have some of the code written down and if you could maybe complete it for me, that'd be great.

import cube.CubeModel;
import cube.Main;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;

public class AGTestCubeModel {

    public void testInitPuzzle() {
        Main main = new Main();
        CubeModel model = main._model;
        int paintedCount = 0;
        for (_______________________________________) {
            for (_______________________________________) {
                if (_______________________________________) {

Huh? Oh I guess you're right _model in CubeModel is technically private... let's just assume that's public for now. Check back with me when you're done.


Fill in the blanks above to write a valid JUnit test that checks if initPuzzle works properly. For initPuzzle to work properly, it needs to make sure that the puzzle's board has six squares shaded and that the cube is placed within bounds.

You cannot access any private instance variables other than the _model in CubeModel. As a hint, take a look at the methods you had to define for the project. Write out your solution code on a separate sheet of paper, once you're done, show it to the TA at your station and they will give you the code word.