CS 61BL Data Structures and Programming Methodology, Summer 2015
Instructor: Joseph Moghadam
Wednesday, 3-5 PM, 2050 Valley Life Sciences Building
Contact Us
Contact all the staff (instructor and TAs): cs61bl-su15@lists.berkeley.edu
Joseph Moghadam
jmoghadam (at) berkeley.edu
OH: Monday 4pm - 6pm, Tuesday 2pm - 4pm, Wednesday noon - 2pm in 329 Soda.
Hello everyone! Nice to meet you. Come stop by my office hours if you'd like to chat -- I'll make tea. Feel free to email me, too, if that's more your style!
Teaching Assistants
Alice Sheng
axsheng (at) berkeley.edu
Hi, my name is Alice, and I'm a third year EECS major here at Berkeley. I enjoy playing games and watching anime in my free time. Looking forward to meeting everyone and having a fun summer!
Amit Akula
amitvakula (at) berkeley.edu
Hi! My name is Amit and I am a 6th semester computer science major minoring in bioengineering. This is my second time TAing for CS61BL. I'll be teaching the 8-11 AM lab so feel free to stop by (probably after a cup of coffee) then
Amruta Yelamanchili
amrutayel (at) berkeley.edu
I'll be a third year double majoring in computer science and applied math. When I'm not in class you'll find me on Sproul dancing, watching way too many TV shows, and/or crying over puppies.
Armani Ferrante
armaniferrante (at) berkeley.edu
dnguyen44 (at) berkeley.edu
Hey everyone! I'm Daniel. I'm a triple major in CS, Linguistics and Japanese with a Korean minor. My main focus in CS is in optimization and machine learning. When I'm not teaching, I love to listen to K-pop and to dance (always a great way to start a conversation with me). I look forward to getting to know all of you this summer!
Gilbert Ghang
gilbertghang (at) berkeley.edu
Hello! I'm Gilbert and I'm a fourth year EECS major. When I've got free time, I enjoy swimming, skateboarding, reading web comics, and cooking. I'm looking forward to meeting you all this summer!
Ross Teixeira
ross.teixeira (at) berkeley.edu
Hey I’m Ross, a second year (till August!) studying CS and enjoying it as much as everything in my life: a ton! I was raised on all Nintendo games, and I'm an avid collector of video game music. I also enjoy chess, frisbee and smiling. Did I mention CS? Cause I love it, and you will too!
Yeseon Lee
yeseon (at) berkeley.edu
Hello! I'm an EECS major from the bay area. I enjoy sweet desserts and sad songs on rainy days. I also like ambiguous sentences. I'm looking forward to meeting you all this summer - don't be afraid to say hello! I'm not as scary as I look :)
Alex Yang
ayyang (at) berkeley.edu
Hi, I'm Alex. I'll be in my third year of EECS soon. In my free time, I like watching cartoons (Steven Universe!), playing games with friends, and drawing. I'm looking forward to being a reader for y'all. Enjoy your journey to becoming a better computer scientist!
Andrew Blum
andrewblum (at) berkeley.edu
Hi, I'm a cat.
Diyar Aniwar
diyaraniwar (at) berkeley.edu
Hi I'm Diyar and I am a third year CS Major. I took CS61BL last summer and it's my favorite CS class that I have taken so far! I'll be reading remotely but feel free to email me about anything!
Jennifer Dai
jennifer.dai (at) berkeley.edu
Hi, I'm Jennifer! I love questions, so feel free to ask me to clarify anything I grade. I like running, and I'm functionally a T-Rex.
Jennifer Liang
jenliang (at) berkeley.edu
Hi, I’m a third year computer science and cognitive science major. I really like dogs, and if you email me you’ll find I’m just as friendly as a dog! Seriously, I’d love to chat about anything, anytime.
Laura Harker
lharker (at) berkeley.edu
Hi, I'm Laura, third year CS major and Math minor. When not studying I like reading scifi, singing, and looking at adorable dog pictures (and sleeping). Hope you all enjoy the wonderful world of 61B!
Mei Wan
wanyuenmei (at) berkeley.edu
Hi I'm a third year student double majoring in CS and Business Administration. I'm a self proclaimed foodie. I love anything outdoorsy like hiking, surfing or running. Hope you guys enjoy CS61B as much as I did!
Sherdil Niyaz
sniyaz (at) berkeley.edu
Hi! My name is Sherdil, and I'm a rising third-year EECS major. I hail from Fremont, CA, a city most famous for being the place that BART ends. The vices chewing up my free time include anime, gaming, and political debates. I'll be reading remotely, but please don't hesitate to send me an email to yell at me ask questions about grading or for advice on the course. Here's to a great summer!
Tara Rezvani
tara.rezvani (at) berkeley.edu
Hi! I'm a rising Junior at Berkeley. I grew up in the Bay Area (go Warriors!). I'm doubling in CogSci and CompSci. I enjoy painting in my free time! Can't wait to have an awesome summer with 61BL.