Before You Begin

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Learning Goals

In this lab, we’ll be exploring the concept of delegation and exploring different methods for how we can delegate work to other classes and methods. To delegate work means to pass it off to someone or something else.

We’ll first consider what happens when an error occurs, like an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. Instead of crashing immediately and printing out a long stack trace, we’ll learn how we can hand over control of the program to the method which called us, allowing the programmer to handle the crash and take alternate action. The mechanism that enables this ability is called an exception.

An exception can be thrown—passed to another part of the program to handle—or caught—handled on its own. We’ll consider examples of each kind of use in the upcoming lab exercises.

Then, we’ll see how exceptions can be used to build iterators, objects that control iteration through the items in a collection via three methods: a constructor, hasNext (“Are there any more items left?”), and next (“Return the next item.”). Iterators and iterables are a core component of the Java standard library, and we’ll see how iterators, as a form of delegation, can be used to write better and more performant code.

Finally, we’ll see how delegation can be applied to higher-order functions through Java streams. Streams are the most abstract way to represent ordered sequences in Java (like lists), and allow for the greatest potential optimizations.


So far in this course, we have not dealt much with error-handling. You were allowed to assume that the arguments given to methods were formatted or structured appropriately. However, this is not always the case due to program bugs and incorrect user input. Here are a few examples of this:

  1. Bugs in your programs might create inconsistent structures or erroneous method calls (e.g. division by zero, indexing out of bounds, dereferencing a null pointer).
  2. Users cannot be trusted to give valid input (e.g. non-numeric input where a number is required or search failures where a command or keyword was misspelled).

We assume in the following discussion that we can detect the occurrence of an error and at least print an error message about it.

A big challenge in dealing with the error is to provide information about it at the right level of detail. For instance, consider the error of running off the end of an array or list. If the contents of a list are inconsistent with the number of elements supposedly contained in the list, a “reference through a null pointer” or “index out of bounds” error may result. The programmer may wish to pass information about the error back to the calling method with the hope that the caller can provide more appropriate and useful information about the root cause of the error and perhaps be able to deal with the error.

Discussion: Error Handling

Here are three approaches to error handling:

  • Don’t try to pass back any information to the caller at all. Just print an error message and halt the program.
  • Detect the error and set some global error indicator (like a public static variable in Java) to indicate its cause.
  • Require that the method where the error occurred (and every method that directly or indirectly calls it) to pass back its value or to take an extra argument object that can be set to indicate the error.

Different languages geared towards solving different types of problems take different approaches to error handling. The increasingly popular Go programming language, for example, chooses a design similar to the third option.

Which seems most reasonable? Discuss with your partner, and defend your answer. If none, justify why all the options are bad.


There is a fourth option for handling errors, called an exception. Provided by Java and other modern programming languages, an exception signals that an error of some sort has occurred. Java allows both the signaling of an error and selective handling of the error. Methods called between the signaling method and the handling method need not be aware of the possibility of the error.

An exception is thrown by the code that detects the exceptional situation, and caught by the code that handles the problem. These two definitions are helpful in discussing exceptions.

Read Chapter 6.1 and 6.2 of the online textbook to learn more about exceptions.

An extension to the try catch block construct that often comes in handy is the finally block. A finally block comes after the last catch block and is used to do any cleanup that might be necessary, such as releasing resources the try block was using. This is very common when working with input-output like opening files on your computer.

Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
int k;
try {
    k = scanner.nextInt();
} catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
    // Ran out of input
} catch (InputMismatchException e) {
    // Token isn't an integer
} finally {
    // finally will be executed as long as JVM does not exit early

This use of the finally block so common that the Java language developers introduced the try-with-resources block. It allows you to declare resources being used as part of the try block, and automatically release those resources after the block finishes executing. The code below is equivalent to the snippet above, but it doesn’t use the finally block.

int k;
try (Scanner scanner = new Scanner( {
    k = scanner.nextInt();
} catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
    // ran out of input
} catch (InputMismatchException e) {
    // token isn't an integer

Assessment: Exceptions

Complete the first assessment question on exceptions to check your understanding.


In CS 61BL, we’re going to encounter a variety of different data structures, or ways to organize data. We’ve implemented linked lists like DLList and resizing array-based lists like AList. Later, we’ll see more complicated data structures such as trees, hash tables, heaps, and graphs.

A common operation on a data structure is to process every item. But often, the code we need to write to setup and iterate through a data structure differs depending on how the data structure’s implementation.

for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i += 1) {
    // Do something with array[i]

For SLList, the pattern significantly differs from above.

SLList list = ...
for (IntNode p =; p != null; p = {
    int item = p.item;

Evidently, we need to write two very different codes in order to do the exactly same thing. It would be nice if we can write one piece of code that we can reuse for different data structures. In other words, we wish to abstract away the internal implementation of data structures from the operations on them.

Furthermore, if we use a different data structure, a for loop like the one above may not make sense. For example, what would it mean to access the kth item of a set, where order of items is not defined? We need a more abstract notion of processing every item in a data structure, something that allows us to check every item regardless of how they’re organized. To do that, we’re going to use something called an iterator.

Enhanced for Loop

It turns out that we’ve been using iterators all semester long! When Java executes an enhanced for loop, it does a bit of work to convert it into iterators and iterables.

List<Integer> friends = new ArrayList<>();
for (int x : friends) {
List<Integer> friends = new ArrayList<>();

Iterator<Integer> seer = friends.iterator();
while (seer.hasNext()) {
    int x =;


How does this work? List is an interface which extends the Iterable interface. An iterable is something which can be iterated over, so all Collections implement Iterable.

public interface Iterable<T> {
    Iterator<T> iterator();

The iterator() method intializes an iterator by returning an object of type Iterator, which can then be used to iterate.

What is Iterator? It turns out this is another interface!


package java.util;

public interface Iterator<T> {
    boolean hasNext();
    T next();
hasNext is a boolean method that says whether there are any more remaining items in the data structure to return.
next successively returns items in the data structure one by one. The first call to next returns the first value, the second call to next returns the second value, and so on. If you’re iterating over a set—a data structure that is not supposed to have an order—we might not necessarily guarantee that next returns items in any specific order. However, what we do need to guarantee is that it returns each item exactly once. If we were iterating over a data structure that does have an ordering, like a list, then we would also like to guarantee that next returns items in the right order.

Why design two separate interfaces, one for iterator and one for iterable? Why not just have the iterable do both?

The idea is similar to Comparable and Comparator. By separating the design, we can provide a ‘default’ iterator, but also allow for programmers to implement different iterators with different behaviors. While the AList class might, by default, provide an efficient AListIterator implementation, this design opens up the possibility of defining an AListReverseIterator that can iterate over an AList in reverse, all without modifying any of the code in AList!


Here’s an example of inserting the iterator methods into the AList class from the previous lab. Don’t worry if you don’t get it all right away or the generics.

import java.util.Iterator;

public class AList<Item> implements Iterable<Item> {

    private Item[] values;
    private int size;

    // AList constructors and methods would normally appear here.

    public Iterator<Item> iterator() {
        return new AListIterator();

    private class AListIterator implements Iterator<Item> {

        private int bookmark = 0;

        public Item next() {
            Item toReturn = values[bookmark];
            bookmark += 1;
            return toReturn;

        public boolean hasNext() {
            return bookmark < size;

The code maintains an important invariant: prior to any call to next, bookmark contains the index of the next value in the list to return.

Notice also that we don’t need a generic type in the AListIterator class declaration. Since it’s a non-static nested class (called an inner class), the AList generic type still applies. The implication of AListIterator being non-static means that an AListIterator cannot be created without an existing AList instance: the AListIterator needs to know its outer AList’s generic type Item in order to function correctly.

We can then use our AList class exactly like in the earlier examples, and even in an enhanced for loop.

AList<Integer> friends = new AList<>();

Iterator<Integer> seer = friends.iterator();
while (seer.hasNext()) {
    int x =;
AList<Integer> friends = new AList<>();
for (int x : friends) {

Defining Iterators

Often, when writing our own iterators, we’ll follow a similar pattern of doing most of the work in next.

  1. We save the next item with Item toReturn = values[bookmark].
  2. Move the bookmark to the next item with bookmark += 1.
  3. Return the item we saved earlier.

An important feature of the code is that hasNext doesn’t change any state. It only examines existing state by comparing the progress of the iteration to the number of list elements. hasNext can then be called twice in a row and nothing should change, or it could be called not at all and the iteration should still work as long as there are elements left to be returned.

Discussion: Iterator Invariants

Consider the following AListIterator, slightly different from those we just encountered.

private class AListIterator implements Iterator<Item> {

    private int bookmark = -1;

    public Item next() {
        bookmark += 1;
        return values[bookmark];

    public boolean hasNext() {
        return (bookmark + 1) < size;

Now, discuss the following questions with your partner:

  1. What’s the invariant relation that’s true between calls to next?
  2. In general, most experienced programmers prefer the organization introduced first over this organization. What might explain this preference?

Assessment: Iterators

Now is a good time to complete the assessment question on iterators to check your understanding.

What if someone calls next when hasNext returns false?
This violates the iterator contract so the behavior for next is undefined. Crashing the program is acceptable. However, a common convention is to throw a NoSuchElementException.
Will hasNext always be called before next?
Not necessarily. This is sometimes the case when someone using the iterator knows exactly how many elements are in the sequence. For this reason, we can’t depend on the user calling hasNext when implementing next.

Exercise: DLListIterator

As mentioned before, it is standard practice to use a separate iterator object (and therefore a separate, typically nested class) as the actual Iterator. This separates the Iterator from the underlying data structure or iterable.

Modify the provided DLList class so that it implements Iterable<Item>. Then, add a nested DLListIterator class which implements Iterator<Item>.

Note that DLList itself does not implement Iterator. This is why we need a separate, nested, private class to be the iterator. Typically, this class is nested inside the data structure class itself so that it can access the internals of the object that instantiated the instance of the nested class.

Make sure that you’ve completed the following checklist.

  1. Does your DLList object know anything about its DLListIterator’s state? Information about iteration (index of the next item to return) should be confined to Iterator alone.
  2. Are multiple Iterators for the same DLList object independent of each other? There can be multiple Iterators for a single DLList object, and one iterator’s operation should not affect the state of another.
  3. Does hasNext alter the state of your Iterator? It should not change state.

After you have modified your DLList class, write some test code to see if Java’s enhanced for loop works as expected on your DLList.

Discussion: Concurrent Modification

For our lab, we regarded our data structure to be “frozen,” while the Iterator was at work. In other words, we assumed that while we were operating on the iterators, the data structure would remain as is. However, this is not generally true in the real world.

Iterator<BankAccount> it = accounts.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
    // Remove the next account!
    checkValidity(; // This code breaks since the account was removed.

If all clients of the data structure were to only read, there would be no problem. However, if any were to modify the data structure while others are reading, this could break the fundamental invariant that next returns the next item if hasNext returns true!

To handle such situations, many Java iterators throw ConcurrentModificationException if they detect that the data structure has been externally modified during the iterator’s lifetime. This is called a “fail-fast” behavior.

List<String> friends = new ArrayList<>();
for (String friend : friends) {
    System.out.println("friend=" + friend);

Discuss with your partner about how to implement this “fail-fast” property for a data structure. How can we propagate the modification to all existing iterators?

If you want to see the Java standard library solution, run the above code, see the error message and click on the link in the stack trace to see where the fail-fast happened. You can even see how Java implements their nested Iterator.

Exception in thread "main" java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
    at java.util.ArrayList$Itr.checkForComodification(


The key advantage of using iterators over, say, the old fashioned way of getting items from a list lies in programming cost and execution cost.

Programming cost
How long it takes to develop, modify, and maintain code.
Execution cost
How long or how much space it takes to execute code on a computer.

Iterators are a powerful abstraction that allow us to reduce both programming cost and execution cost.

Let’s compare and contrast all the different ways to iterate over all the elements in an SLList.

Direct pointer manipulation
While this has a good execution cost as it runs in time, it increases programming cost as the developer needs to know exactly how linked lists work, not to mention it’s a violation of abstraction barriers! Forgetting to include p = is a very easy way to get stuck in an infinite loop. Moreover, the programmer need to know the exact details of the implementation like the fact that SLList uses a single sentinel node and is null-terminated, while DLList uses a single, circular sentinel node structure. As our data structures and our problems get increasingly complex, it will get harder and harder to maintain programs written in this way.
SLList list = SLList.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
IntNode p =;
while (p != null) {
    int item = p.item;
    p =;
Abstract data type methods
Using our provided ADT methods reduces programming costs significantly since we no longer need to worry about how the linked list works (and the code now works more generally as well), but our execution cost increases as the get operation isn’t optimized for sequential access! The following code runs in time where is the size of the list.
SLList list = SLList.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
int i = 0;
while (i < list.size()) {
    int item = list.get(i);
    i += 1;
Iterators provide the best of both worlds by creating an abstraction for sequential access. The programming cost is incurred once by the SLList programmer, not the client using SLList! The client only has to understand how the iterator interface works to use the class.
SLList list = SLList.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
Iterator<Integer> seer = list.iterator();
while (seer.hasNext()) {
    int item =;

Java provides the enhanced for loop to make this even easier to use.

SLList list = SLList.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
for (int item : list) {

By delegating work to the implementation, we can reduce both programming cost by writing code that adheres to a universally-accepted standard interface while gaining all the execution cost benefits of specialization thanks to dynamic method selection.

In this way, delegation is a form of abstraction. Just like we saw with the idea of encapsulation earlier in the course, delegation makes it much easier to compose efficient programs.

But it’s possible to take the idea of delegation even farther by offloading even more work to the implementation through a programming paradigm called functional programming. We’ll be introduced to a bit of small-scale functional programming through streams, and we’ll see examples of systems-level functional design in Friday’s lab.


A stream is a sequence of elements, much like the collections we’ve seen before in this course. However, where a stream differs is in how the interface is exposed to programmers.

With abstract data types like List, we normally interact with it by calling methods to get, add, or remove elements from the collection. The state of the underlying data structure is the focus of the problem, and we often need to spend time determining the best way to represent the problem we’re trying to solve in terms of these data structures.

Streams take a different approach: instead of focusing on the data and the way that data is organized, we instead focus on the computation and leave the optimization to the implementation.

List<String> list = Arrays.asList("a", "bd", "bb", "bc", "cc", "d");
    .filter(s -> s.startsWith("b"))
    .map(s -> s + s)

Streams are created by either calling the stream method of any Collection class or by calling

The syntax of the stream pipeline relies on call chaining.

  1. stream() returns a streams from the given collection, which then lets us call the…
  2. filter(...) method which saves the function argument for later, and returns a stream, which then lets us call the…
  3. map(...) method which saves the function argument for later, and returns a stream, which then lets us call the…
  4. forEach(...) method which applies each saved computation on each element of the stream, applying optimizations along the way, and has a void return type. This terminates the call chain.

Because each intermediate operation returns a Stream, we can chain method calls arbitrarily until we run into a terminal operation like forEach which ‘consumes’ the stream, applying all the saved operations along the way.

The stream itself is one-time-use. After the stream is consumed, it cannot be used again.

Notice how many of these operations take in function references as parameters. It is assumed that these functions do not modify the state of the stream (or the structure the stream originates from) and are typically deterministic (non-random).

Working with Streams

One intuitive way to think about streams is as a pipeline of elements and focus on what happens to one element in that pipeline.

Each of the intermediate operations modifies the stream in-place without looking at past or future elements, and returns the new stream. An analogy would be to compare streams to assembly lines in a factory. Each piece moves down the line through a sequence of transformations and operations, and at each step the worker can complete their task without having to remember the pieces that already moved through or look at the pieces about to reach them. Since each item in the collection can be processed independently of the others, our problem has become embarrassingly parallel.

If we did not use streams and instead used more traditional forms of computing, it would be as if we had our factory, but we only have a single worker who now needs to pick up each part and complete every task on it before picking up the next part. With streams, there are many workers that do not need to communicate with each other which allows them to work simultaneously on multiple parts. Also once a worker is done with their one task on a part, it moves directly to the next step in the chain and frees up the worker to start again on the next part. This allows everyone to work at the same time and not have to wait for the previous step.

For this lab, we will not focus on the parallel processing portion and will instead look at the way streams create sequences of discrete tasks to be performed on each element, but the way the Java Stream interface has been designed makes it easy for code written on your laptop to scale up and solve supercomputer-size problems. In CS 61C, you’ll learn more about these parallel processing techniques.

Exercise: DBTable

Complete Use streams to solve each problem using only one statement each, though you can split up the one statement over multiple lines.

Each of these exercises represents part of an interface that another user could potentially use to solve their database query needs.

Streams have a lot of operations available, some of which are extremely powerful, and it can be hard to know what the syntax is to use them. One trick is to start the stream by typing out .stream() after a collection object. This creates a stream object from that collection object and then you can type a dot and some prefix to look for which operations you want in the autocomplete menu. IntelliJ will tell you what it takes as parameters, what it returns, and you can infer from the name what it does. The stream package and Stream class documentation also contains a lot of examples.

Additionally, you may keep reading to read about the intermediate and terminal operations for streams. This may help you complete the exercises of DBTable.

Streams make heavy use of higher-order functions, generics, and the Optional type. There is a lot of new and probably overwhelming syntax in this section. Ask questions sooner rather than later!

Optional is a container that may or may not contain a single element; you can then define actions to take ifPresent or specify default values using orElse. See the documentation for more methods.

Intermediate Operations

Intermediate operations modify a stream in-place, allowing you to continue with stream operations. They all return a stream of some type.

Stream<R> map(Function<T, R> mapper) returns a stream consisting of the results of applying the given function to the elements of this stream. Notice that this can change the type of the stream. While unassuming by nature, the map concept is probably the most widely used throughout list manipulation. It’s like a forEach, but replacing each element instead of terminating the stream.

For example, if we just wanted to make a new list of party email users, we could do something like this:

party_users =
        .map(u -> new User(u.getUsername(), u.getUsername() + "")

Of course, you don’t have to limit yourself to returning the same type—you can change your stream from one type to another:

int num_short_usernames =
        .map(u -> u.getUsername()) // convert from Stream<User> to Stream<String>
        .filter(name -> name.length() < 5)
Stream<T> filter(Predicate<T> predicate) returns a stream consisting of the elements of the stream that match the given predicate. This helps for removing elements of the stream based on some condition, which is entirely up to the programmer’s discretion. For example:
    .filter(s -> okayThings.contains(s))

You can make the predicate check, or compute anything you want, and even interact with other data structures in your program. A common technique is to construct a Set first, and then filter out the elements found in that set. We can solve the missingNumber challenge from a few labs ago this way.

public static int missingNumber(int[] values) {
    Set<Integer> distinctValues = Set.of(values);
    return IntStream.range(0, values + 1)
                    .filter(i -> !distinctValues.contains(i))
sorted() and sorted(Comparator<T> comparator) sort the stream. As with Collections.sort, if a Comparator is not specified, the natural ordering is used.

Terminal Operations

Terminal operations convert a stream to something that isn’t a stream. Without terminal operations, you cannot use the result of the stream. Often, this is either void or Optional<T>, a container object that may or may not contain a null value.

forEach(Consumer<T> action)
Iterates over each element of the stream and executes the action on each element of the stream. A Consumer takes in one argument of type T and has a void return type. forEach is also a method of Iterable and can be used the exact same way as it is on a stream.
collect(Collector collector)
This method has possibly the most confusing documentation because it is so general, but the simplest common function is to change a stream into a concrete data structure. Use Collectors to easily turn streams into lists or sets.
    .filter(s -> s.startsWith("b"))
    .collect(Collectors.toList()); // or Collectors.toSet()

Collectors.toMap is trickier to use, but the documentation provides helpful examples.

Reduction is the process of combinining all of the elements of the stream into a single result. The two simpler reduce methods take in a BinaryOperator<T>, which will be called on each pair of elements in the stream repeatedly until the stream shrinks in half, then half again, and again, until there is only one element left.

For example, given a stream of users, we can do something funny like finding the user with the highest id:
         .reduce(((u1, u2) -> {
                if (u1.getId() > u2.getId()) {
                    return u1;
                } else {
                    return u2;

which is the equivalent of calling max with the right comparator. We can also aggregate information, like combining all the fields of users into a single mega-user:

User superuser =
        .reduce(new User(0, "", ""),
                ((user, user2) -> new User(
                        user.getId() + user2.getId(),
                        user.getUsername() + user2.getUsername(),
                        user.getEmail() + user2.getEmail())

One thing to note is that the first way returns Optional<T>, since the stream may be empty, but the second returns T since an identity is given. The identity passed in as the first argument behaves like the first element of the stream.

Reduction is quite powerful, and isn’t limited to aggregation or min/max. You can be flexible with your reduction operations and combiners, throw away the result of the reduction, perform some intermediate operations not related to the list, and so on.

allMatch, anyMatch, noneMatch
These methods take in a Predicate<T> and do more or less what they sound like they do. For each element, these methods will call the predicate on the element and perform the appropriate action based on their name.


Here’s a quick recap of what you need to do to complete this lab.

  • Make iterable.
  • Complete the implementations in