GraphBuildingHandler |
Parses OSM XML files using an XML SAX parser.
GraphDB |
Graph for storing all of the intersection (vertex) and road (edge) information.
GraphDBLauncher |
This class provides a main method for experimenting with GraphDB construction.
LocationParams |
The LocationParams contains a serialization-ready representation of a location in Berkeley.
MapServer |
This MapServer class is the entry point for running the JavaSpark web server for the BearMaps
application project, receiving API calls, handling the API call processing, and generating
requested images and routes.
MapServer.RenderedRasterResultParams |
An adapter class for extending RasterResultParams with the final image.
Rasterer |
This class provides all code necessary to take a query box and produce
a query result.
RasterRequestParams |
The RasterRequestParams contains the fields received from the browser during a rastering request.
RasterRequestParams.Builder |
RasterResultParams |
The RasterResultParams contains the fields computed by Rasterer.getMapRaster.
RasterResultParams.Builder |
The RasterResultParams.Builder is used to construct new RasterResultParams instances.
Router |
This class provides a shortestPath method and routeDirections for
finding routes between two points on the map.
Router.NavigationDirection |
Class to represent a navigation direction, which consists of 3 attributes:
a direction to go, a way, and the distance to travel for.
RouteRequestParams |
The RouteRequestParams contains the fields received from the browser in the shortest-route
RouteRequestParams.Builder |
RouteResultParams |
The RouteResultParams contains the fields computed by Router.shortestPath and
Router.routeDirections (stored as an HTML-friendly String) for serialization by Gson.