Welcome to CS61BL

  • All labs meet on Monday-Friday. Practical labs occur Monday-Thursday, and Theoretical labs are held on Friday.

  • Instructor labs meet Tuesday and Thursday in Dwinelle 145 at 10 AM. It can also be attended remotely at https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/99839639142?pwd=SENyWitDVDN0bSt5VWR2MlhGQSt6dz09.

  • Lectures occur on Monday and Wednesday in VLSB 2050 at 9 AM. It can also be attended remotely at https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/93681882489?pwd=WEo1MzJ2ZUNtTXc2ZUxSZ2hKZlJOdz09.

  • Instructor office hours will be either in-person in Soda 779 or online at https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/92431381103. The weekly schedule for office hours is as follows:
    • Anton: Tuesday 11 AM - 12 PM in-person. Thursday 12 PM - 1 PM on Zoom.
    • Crystal: Monday 7 PM - 8 PM on Zoom. Thursday 4 PM - 5 PM on Zoom.
    • Laksith: Tuesday 6 PM - 7 PM on Zoom. Wednesday 10 - 11 AM in-person.
  • The instructors are also available through appointments outside of those hours. Especially if these times do not work with your time zone, please email cs61bl@berkeley.edu to set up an appointment.

  • All slides used (for lectures and all types of labs) in this class can be found here.
  • Please refer to the course Ed for any one time changes.
Mon, Jun 19
Observation of Juneteenth

Welcome to CS 61BL!

Tue, Jun 20
Java & Git

Live Instructor Lab Link

Instructor Lab Time: 10-11am PDT
Location: Dwinelle 145

Slides | Video

Wed, Jun 21
Conditionals, Loops and Arrays

Live Lecture Link

Lecture Time: 9-10am PDT
Location: VLSB 2050

Slides | Video

Thu, Jun 22
Test Driven Development and Debugging

Live Instructor Lab Link

Instructor Lab Time: 10-11am PDT
Location: Dwinelle 145

Slides | Video

Fri, Jun 23
Introduction to Java Programming

Worksheet | Slides | Solutions

Mon, Jun 26
Primitives and Objects

Live Lecture Link

Lecture Time: 9-10am PDT
Location: VLSB 2050

Slides | Video

Tue, Jun 27
Linked Lists

Live Instructor Lab Link

Instructor Lab Time: 10-11am PDT
Location: Dwinelle 145

Slides | Video

Wed, Jun 28

Live Lecture Link

Lecture Time: 9-10am PDT
Location: VLSB 2050

Slides | Video

Thu, Jun 29
Comparison, Exceptions, and Iteration

Live Instructor Lab Link

Instructor Lab Time: 10-11am PDT
Location: Dwinelle 145

Slides | Video

Fri, Jun 30
Object Oriented Programming and ADTs

Worksheet | Slides | Solutions

Mon, Jul 3
Persistence and Gitlet

Live Lecture Link

Lecture Time: 9-10am PDT
Location: VLSB 2050

Slides | Video

Tue, Jul 4
Independence Day
Wed, Jul 5

Live Lecture Link

Lecture Time: 9-10am PDT
Location: VLSB 2050

Slides | Video

Thu, Jul 6
Trees and Traversals

Live Instructor Lab Link

Instructor Lab Time: 10-11am PDT
Location: Dwinelle 145

Slides | Video

Fri, Jul 7
Asymptotics and Trees

Worksheet | Slides | Solutions

Mon, Jul 10
Binary Search Trees

Live Lecture Link

Lecture Time: 9-10am PDT
Location: VLSB 2050

Slides | Video

Tue, Jul 11
Balanced Search Trees

Live Instructor Lab Link

Instructor Lab Time: 10-11am PDT
Location: Dwinelle 145

Slides | Video

Wed, Jul 12
Project 2 Work Day

Time: No Lecture today

Thu, Jul 13
Midterm Review

Time: No Instructor Lab today

Fri, Jul 14
Mon, Jul 17

Live Lecture Link

Lecture Time: 9-10am PDT
Location: VLSB 2050

Slides | Video

Tue, Jul 18
Heaps and Priority Queues

Live Instructor Lab Link

Instructor Lab Time: 10-11am PDT
Location: Dwinelle 145

Slides | Video

Wed, Jul 19
Disjoint Sets

Live Lecture Link

Lecture Time: 9-10am PDT
Location: VLSB 2050

Slides | Video

Thu, Jul 20
Project 2 Workday
Fri, Jul 21
Hashing, Heaps, and Union Find

Worksheet | Slides | Solutions

Mon, Jul 24
BYOW Introduction

Live Lecture Link

Lecture Time: 9-10am PDT
Location: VLSB 2050

Slides | Video

Tue, Jul 25

Live Instructor Lab Link

Instructor Lab Time: 10-11am PDT
Location: Dwinelle 145

Slides | Video

Wed, Jul 26
Shortest Path Trees

Live Lecture Link

Lecture Time: 9-10am PDT
Location: VLSB 2050

Slides | Video

Thu, Jul 27
Minimum Spanning Trees

Live Instructor Lab Link

Instructor Lab Time: 10-11am PDT
Location: Dwinelle 145

Slides | Video

Fri, Jul 28

Worksheet | Slides | Solutions

Mon, Jul 31
Comparison Sorts 1

Live Lecture Link

Lecture Time: 9-10am PDT
Location: VLSB 2050

Slides | Video

Tue, Aug 1
Comparison Sorts 2

Live Instructor Lab Link

Instructor Lab Time: 10-11am PDT
Location: Dwinelle 145

Slides | Video

Wed, Aug 2
Counting Sorts

Live Lecture Link

Lecture Time: 9-10am PDT
Location: VLSB 2050

Slides | Video

Thu, Aug 3
Project 3 Workday
Fri, Aug 4

Worksheet | Slides | Solutions

Mon, Aug 7
Project 3 Workday

Live Lecture Link

Lecture Time: 9-10am PDT
Location: VLSB 2050

Slides | Video

Tue, Aug 8
BYOW Presentations
Wed, Aug 9
Final Exam Review and AMA

Live Lecture Link

Lecture Time: 9-10am PDT
Location: VLSB 2050

Slides | Video

Thu, Aug 10
Practice Final
Fri, Aug 11
Final Exam

List of Lab Sections:

TA Name Practical's Location (Monday-Thursday) Theoretical's Location (Friday) Time (PDT)
Ronald Wang Zoom Link Zoom Link 4 PM - 6 PM
Ali Khani Zoom Link Zoom Link 4 PM - 6 PM
Angel Aldaco Soda 273 Soda 310 2 PM - 4 PM
Anniyat Karymsak Soda 275 Soda 320 2 PM - 4 PM
Ashley Kao Zoom Link Zoom Link 8 PM - 10 PM
Circle Chen Soda 273 Soda 310 7 PM - 9 PM
David Yang Soda 275 Soda 320 12 PM - 2 PM
Dylan Hamuy Soda 273 Soda 310 4 PM - 6 PM
Elana Ho Zoom Link Zoom Link 7 PM - 9 PM
Erik Kizior Zoom Link Zoom Link 8 PM - 10 PM
Kevin Sheng Zoom Link Zoom Link 4 PM - 6 PM
Noemi Chulo Zoom Link Zoom Link 8 PM - 10 PM
Omar Yu Soda 277 Soda 405 4 PM - 6 PM
Vanessa Teo Soda 273 Soda 310 12 PM - 2 PM

List of TA Office Hours:

TA Name Day Time (PDT) Location
Ronald Wang Friday 6 PM - 7 PM Soda 320
Ali Khani Monday 6 PM - 7 PM Soda 275
Angel Aldaco Thursday 6 PM - 7 PM Zoom Link
Anniyat Karymsak Thursday 11 AM - 12 PM Zoom Link
Ashley Kao Monday 6 PM - 7 PM Soda 277
Circle Chen Tuesday 11 AM - 12 PM Zoom Link
David Yang Thursday 9 AM - 10 AM Zoom Link
Dylan Hamuy Wednesday 11 AM - 12 PM Zoom Link
Elana Ho Thursday 4 PM - 5 PM Soda 310
Erik Kizior Tuesday 6 PM - 7 PM Soda 275
Kevin Sheng Tuesday 6 PM - 7 PM Soda 273
Noemi Chulo Tuesday 6 PM - 7 PM Soda 277
Omar Yu Thursday 11 AM - 12 PM Zoom Link
Vanessa Teo

Redemption Tutoring Sections

List of tutor sections
Tutor Name Location Time (PDT)
Stone Wu Soda 310 Wednesday 12 PM - 1 PM
Julian Tuazon Zoom Link Wednesday 4 PM - 5 PM
Hanqi Xiong Zoom Link Wednesday 5 PM - 6 PM
Alyssa Smith Zoom Link Wednesday 6 PM - 7 PM