I’m getting merge conflicts after re-pulling the skeleton #
First, add and commit your local changes so that git status
reads that your working
tree is clean.
Then, refer to the Git WTFs section on resolving merge
conflicts. You’ll need to incorporate both your local changes (this likely
includes your BombMain
passwords) and the bug fixes
from the skeleton.
After you’ve resolved the merge conflicts in the files, you’ll need to re-add and commit them to complete the merge.
Come into office hours or lab if you’re unsure on what to do!
There’s a lot of red in my IntelliJ #
First, be sure you’ve imported the libraries correctly. Refer back to step 5 of the Assignment Workflow if you need a refresher on how to do this.
If that doesn’t work, be sure that src
is blue and tests
is green. Refer to
the IntelliJ WTFS
to mark your src
and tests
folders appropriately.