Welcome to CS61BL

Lectures are 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PT:

  • Monday & Wednesday in Dwinelle 155
  • Tuesday & Thursday in VLSB 2050

Lecture + OH Zoom: https://berkeley.zoom.us/my/cs61bl

You can find all lecture recordings here!

Tue, Jun 18
Lecture, Lab
Primitives and Objects

Slides | Video | Textbook: Ch 2, Ch 6

Wed, Jun 19
Observation of Juneteenth

Nothing to attend, pre-semester survey due at 11:59 PM

Thu, Jun 20
Fri, Jun 21
Introduction to Java Programming

Worksheet | Slides | Solutions

Mon, Jun 24
Lecture, Lab
Linked Lists 1

Dwinelle 155 10am - 11am
Slides | Video | Textbook: Ch 3 Ch 4

Tue, Jun 25
Lecture, Lab
Linked Lists 2

Dwinelle 155 10am - 11am
Slides | Video | Textbook: Ch 5 Ch 8

Wed, Jun 26
Lecture, Lab
Abstract Data Types and Inheritance

Dwinelle 155 10am - 11am
Slides | Video | Textbook: Ch 9 Ch 10 Ch 16.1

Thu, Jun 27
Lecture, Lab
Comparison, Exceptions, and Iteration

VLSB 2050 10am - 11am
Slides | Video | Textbook: Ch 11 Ch 12

Fri, Jun 28
Object Oriented Programming and Abstract Data Types

Worksheet | Slides | Solutions

Mon, Jul 1
Lecture, Lab
Gitlet Introduction

Dwinelle 155 10am - 11am
Slides | Video | Readings: Gitlet Intro Slides

Tue, Jul 2
Lecture, Lab
Asymptotics and Measuring Code Efficiency

VLSB 2050 10am - 11am
Slides | Video | Textbook: Ch 13 Ch 15

Wed, Jul 3
Lecture, Lab
Introduction to Trees and Traversals

Dwinelle 155 10am - 11am
Slides | Video | Textbook: Ch 22.1 and 2

Thu, Jul 4
Independence Day

Nothing due and nothing to attend

Fri, Jul 5
Asymptotics and Trees

Worksheet | Slides | Solutions

Mon, Jul 8
Lecture, Lab
Binary Search Trees

Dwinelle 155 10am - 11am
Slides | Video | Readings: Ch 16.2-7

Tue, Jul 9
Lecture, Lab
Balanced Search Trees

VLSB 2050 10am - 11am
Slides | Video | Readings: Ch 17 Ch 18

Wed, Jul 10
Lecture, Lab
Exam Advice and Midterm Review

VLSB 2050 10am - 11am
Slides | Video |

Thu, Jul 11
Exam Study Day

No Lecture and No Lab

Fri, Jul 12

7pm - 9pm

Mon, Jul 15
Lecture, Lab

Dwinelle 155 10am - 11am
Slides | Video | Readings: Ch 19 Ch 20

Tue, Jul 16
Lecture, Lab
Heaps and Priority Queues

VLSB 2050 10am - 11am
Slides | Video | Readings: Ch 21

Wed, Jul 17
Lecture, Lab
Disjoint Sets

Dwinelle 155 10am - 11am
Slides | Video | Readings: Ch 14

Thu, Jul 18
Project 2 Workday
Fri, Jul 19
Hashing, Heaps, and Union Find

Worksheet | Slides | Solutions

Mon, Jul 22
Lecture, Lab
Build Your Own World Introduction

Dwinelle 155 10am - 11am
Slides | Video | Readings: Project 3 Spec

Tue, Jul 23
Lecture, Lab

VLSB 2050 10am - 11am
Slides | Video | Readings: Ch 22.3-4 Ch 23

Wed, Jul 24
Lecture, Lab
Shortest Paths

Dwinelle 10am - 11am
Slides | Video | Readings: Ch 24

Thu, Jul 25
Lecture, Lab
Minimum Spanning Trees

VLSB 2050 10am - 11am
Slides | Video | Readings: Ch 25

Fri, Jul 26

Worksheet | Slides | Solutions

Mon, Jul 29
Sorting (No lab assignment, Project 3 workday)

Dwinelle 155 10am - 11am
Slides | Video | Readings: Ch 29

Tue, Jul 30
Lecture, Lab
Quicksort (Comparison sorts lab)

VLSB 2050 10am - 11am
Slides | Video | Readings: Ch 30 Ch 32 Ch 34

Wed, Jul 31
Lecture, Lab
Radix Sorts

Dwinelle 155 10am - 11am
Slides | Video | Readings: Ch 35 Ch 36

Thu, Aug 1
Lecture, Lab
Project 3 Workday
Fri, Aug 2

Worksheet | Slides | Solutions

Mon, Aug 5
Lecture, Lab
Software Engineering Lecture and BYOW Presentations Lab

Dwinelle 155 10am - 11am
Slides | Video |

Tue, Aug 6
Wed, Aug 7
61Behind the Scenes Lecture

Dwinelle 155 10am - 11am
Slides | Video |

Thu, Aug 8
Final Exam

6pm - 9pm

Fri, Aug 9
No Class

Lab Sections

TA Name Practical's Location (Monday-Thursday) Theoretical's Location (Friday) Time (PDT)
Ridge Huang Zoom Link Zoom Link 11 AM - 1 PM
Jeffrey Yum Soda 277 Soda 405 11 AM - 1 PM
Josh Barua Soda 275 Soda 306 (HP Auditorium) 11 AM - 1 PM
Ethan Tam Soda 330 Soda 310 11 AM - 1 PM
Philip Ye Zoom Link Zoom Link 1 PM - 3 PM
Elaine Shu Soda 275 Soda 405 1 PM - 3 PM
Anirudh Sreerama Soda 277 Soda 310 1 PM - 3 PM
Daniel Wang Soda 330 Soda 405 3 PM - 5 PM
Wilson Fung Soda 275 Soda 310 3 PM - 5 PM
Stacey Lei Zoom Link Zoom Link 6 PM - 8 PM
Natalia Grodin Soda 275 Soda 405 6 PM - 8 PM
Julian Tuazon Zoom Link Zoom Link 8 PM - 10 PM

Redemption Tutoring Sections

Tutor Name Location Time (PDT)
Lawrence Wu Soda 405 Tuesday 1 PM - 2 PM
Jai Bhatia Zoom Link Tuesday 6 PM - 7 PM
Codey Ma Cory 293 Tuesday 4 PM - 5 PM
Iris Zhou Zoom Link Tuesday 8 PM - 9 PM
Ayati Sharma Zoom Link Wednesday 12 PM - 1 PM
Ryan Yang Soda 310 Wednesday 1 PM - 2 PM
Brian Sui Soda 310 Wednesday 3 PM - 4 PM
Mihir Mirchandani Zoom Link Wednesday 6 PM - 7 PM