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set(String, double) - Method in class RasterRequestParams.Builder
set(String, double) - Method in class RouteRequestParams.Builder
setDepth(int) - Method in class RasterResultParams.Builder
Sets the value for this Builder's depth.
setEndLat(double) - Method in class RouteRequestParams.Builder
setEndLon(double) - Method in class RouteRequestParams.Builder
setH(double) - Method in class RasterRequestParams.Builder
setLrlat(double) - Method in class RasterRequestParams.Builder
setLrlon(double) - Method in class RasterRequestParams.Builder
setQuerySuccess(boolean) - Method in class RasterResultParams.Builder
Sets the value for this Builder's querySuccess.
setRasterLrLat(double) - Method in class RasterResultParams.Builder
Sets the value for this Builder's rasterLrLat.
setRasterLrLon(double) - Method in class RasterResultParams.Builder
Sets the value for this Builder's rasterLrLon.
setRasterUlLat(double) - Method in class RasterResultParams.Builder
Sets the value for this Builder's rasterUlLat.
setRasterUlLon(double) - Method in class RasterResultParams.Builder
Sets the value for this Builder's rasterUlLon.
setRenderGrid(String[][]) - Method in class RasterResultParams.Builder
Sets the value for this Builder's renderGrid.
setStartLat(double) - Method in class RouteRequestParams.Builder
setStartLon(double) - Method in class RouteRequestParams.Builder
setUllat(double) - Method in class RasterRequestParams.Builder
setUllon(double) - Method in class RasterRequestParams.Builder
setW(double) - Method in class RasterRequestParams.Builder
SHARP_LEFT - Static variable in class Router.NavigationDirection
Integer constants representing directions.
SHARP_RIGHT - Static variable in class Router.NavigationDirection
Integer constants representing directions.
shortestPath(GraphDB, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class Router
Return a List of vertex IDs corresponding to the shortest path from a given starting coordinate and destination coordinate.
SLIGHT_LEFT - Static variable in class Router.NavigationDirection
Integer constants representing directions.
SLIGHT_RIGHT - Static variable in class Router.NavigationDirection
Integer constants representing directions.
START - Static variable in class Router.NavigationDirection
Integer constants representing directions.
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class GraphBuildingHandler
Called at the beginning of an element.
startLat - Variable in class RouteRequestParams.Builder
startLat - Variable in class RouteRequestParams
The start point latitude.
startLon - Variable in class RouteRequestParams.Builder
startLon - Variable in class RouteRequestParams
The start point longitude.
STRAIGHT - Static variable in class Router.NavigationDirection
Integer constants representing directions.