I’m failing the test locally printing the inOrder and preOrder traversals, and I’ve tried switching the tests in the skeleton. #

If you’re a Windows user and you’ve switched to the commented out test, remove the space after the E in “A B C D E “ and it should work now.

What is <T extends Comparable<T>>? #

This is an example of generics made less, well, generic. Programmers can specify requirements for what defines a legal type for a generic in Java by utilizing general inheritance notation. This means that this generic can hold any type T which extends the class Comparable<T>

I am getting a return value from a call to compareTo that is not 1, 0, or -1? #

compareTo can return any int. We interpret the return value as such: any call of the form key.compareTo(value) will be less than zero if key comes before value, the item it is being compared to.

I want to implement this method recursively, but I can’t keep track of or pass the values I need to! #

The method signature required by the autograder might not be optimal for recursive implementations. What do we do in such a case? Hint, helpers!