Windows Setup

  1. Install python3.

  2. Update your environment variables. The instructions are exactly the same as those from the setup portion of Lab 1 except that you will need to define and update the following variables:

    • PYTHON_HOME: Set this to the location where you installed Python, for instance, C:\Python35 or C:\Program Files\Python35.

    • PATH: (This most likely already exists!) Add %PYTHON_HOME%; to the beginning of the value of this variable. (The % symbols demarcate a path substitution in Windows. Note that there are NO spaces. Putting spaces in Windows path definitions can sneakily RUIN your day!)

  3. Save your changes by hitting OK on the window. At this point, python should be working. Close and reopen your terminal (such as Git Bash or Command Prompt) and type in python --version and ensure that it responds with the correct version. If it claims python isn’t a recognized command, something is wrong with your path setup.

OS X Setup

Install python3 by opening up your terminal and typing:

    $ brew install python3

Unix and Linux Setup

If you are using a Linux/Unix distro, use your package manager (apt-get, yum, etc) to install python3.

To install python3:

    $ sudo apt-get install python3